Monday, 11 August 2008

Shopping List (forgetful?)

It's been a while since I've featured a shopping list, and it's been a while since I picked this particular one up.... I think it was from Sainsbury's but I couldn't hazard a guess at when it was.

Things of immediate interest:
  • Lovely little notelet pad (lined and spiral bound).

  • Great abbreviation of broccoli to "broc".

  • The list is so bloody short that you have to wonder whether they ought to be including some fish or omega 3 capsules to help their brain function properly. I mean, come on, did it really warrant a list? Thankfully, it seemingly did!!


Catherine said...

As a fellow Huddersfielder, I am oddly fascinated by this blog (perhaps I hope I'll see one of my own lists here one day). I wondered whether anyone has ever claimed one of your lists as their own?

ArcticFox said...

I'm not surprised someone finds my blog fascinating.... I'm more surprised that SO FEW people are fascinated by it!!!!

No, I can't say that anyone has ever claimed one of my shopping lists, nor indeed that they were the perpetrator of a randomly shopped item!!

Thanks for caring.


ArcticFox said...

now that's just bloody weird

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!