Monday, 1 June 2009

Shopping List (Susan's Lunch)

Strangely, I'm more interested in shopping lists now than I am in snapping pictures of randomly shopped items in the supermarket. All these lists are found in supermarket car parks or in supermarket shopping trolleys or baskets.

Immediately of interest:

  • Susan's lunch - I take it that the items on the list don't actually constitute the global term "Susan's lunch" and that the shopper must be very familiar with Susan's lunch so as to not have to actually itemise the required components.
  • I love the correct use of the apostrophe in "Susan's". Good grammar throughout with good capitalisation.
  • Gum - Chewing gum? Bubble gum? Spearmint? Peppermint? Too vague for my liking. Please be more specific. I hate not knowing what was required.
  • Item 4 - Ham Biscuit box - Can't decide if this is Ham and separate item Biscuit box or whether I am misinterpreting the word Ham!?!?! Judging by the excellent use of grammar, you'll notice the capitalisation indicates two separate items.... All that remains is whether you wanted sweet biscuits or savoury biscuits for a cheese board.
  • Cakes - Please be more specific!!
  • Turkey crown + gammon - What a treat. Get some pineapple while you're there!!

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