Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Shopping List (carrots)

Ooh - look at this.  A shopping list to end all shopping lists....

Some important notes of interest are as follows:

a) It's a long shopping list and you don't find that many long ones.

b) It's written on plain paper... no punches, no spiral bound, no lines.... just plain.

c) It contains a couple of really funny spazz-outs!
c i) "Meance" sounds like Beyonce!
c ii)"Begg" sounds like Leg!
c iii) Abbreviated "pepper" to "pep" made me, at first read it as "Red pop"
c iv) Nice mixed case and capitalisation of items i.e. garlic BUT Red etc

d) I think they're having spaghetti bolognese for tea!

(written on folded a4 plain paper folded to a5 but not torn)

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