Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Shopping List (crackers)

Loving the neatness of the cutting on this piece of A4 ruled hole-punched piece of paper.  It's somehow let down slightly by the brevity of the list, but redeemed by the seemingly "random" items placed thereupon.

 Crackers?  You must be - That must be the reason you're also searching for the "customary" dressing gown and slippers that accompany all new patients!

(written on lined paper)

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Shopping List (carrots)

Ooh - look at this.  A shopping list to end all shopping lists....

Some important notes of interest are as follows:

a) It's a long shopping list and you don't find that many long ones.

b) It's written on plain paper... no punches, no spiral bound, no lines.... just plain.

c) It contains a couple of really funny spazz-outs!
c i) "Meance" sounds like Beyonce!
c ii)"Begg" sounds like Leg!
c iii) Abbreviated "pepper" to "pep" made me, at first read it as "Red pop"
c iv) Nice mixed case and capitalisation of items i.e. garlic BUT Red etc

d) I think they're having spaghetti bolognese for tea!

(written on folded a4 plain paper folded to a5 but not torn)

Friday, 6 April 2012

Shopping List (papers)

Short but very VERY sweet.

This "chancer" does not really need a list for these items... it makes me wonder whether this is some small child (obviously underage for playing the lottery) that's been sent to the newsagent to pay Grannie's paper bill (she's too embarrassed to go herself) and this note acts as "security" like when your mum used to send you to the shop for her fags! - or it's simply someone with old-timer's disease that really wants a punt on the lottery!!  Smart!

(written on a rather smart piece of paper that looks like it's from one of those notepad cube things)

Monday, 2 April 2012

Shopping List (onions)

A real rarity, this one.  Rare and never to be repeated, it's a shopping list of my own that I found lying about.
Now, I'm not trying to outdo anyone with my zany list but you've got to admit it's a pretty wacky collection of items.

Onions (specifically three of them) means I had a specific recipe in mind when I made this out.  

The small cauliflower suggests I was making my vegetable curry.  

The fact that toothpaste, crickets and earrings all appear together on the list suggest I was going to park at the pet shop on the ring road and get the food for my praying mantises... then hop across to the indoor market and check out the earrings on offer (I'm always up for some "hinged" sleepers) - probably scoring the toothpaste at Home Bargains or Wilkos on the return and get free parking at the pet shop into the bargain!

(written on a scrap of paper)